Logic Detector

We do a newspaper, but for the youth.

We do a newspaper, but for the youth.

Discover news that interest you

Explore beyond headlines

Know what it means to you

Stay updated, minus the FOMO

... in a way that's mindful of you

Quick overview

Here’s how our digital, weekly zine stacks up against newspapers and social media:

What are we comparing?
Youth-centric design & tone
Minimal advertisements
Mindful of your mental health
Respects your time & privacy
Offers multiple perspectives
Comes with dark mode 👉👈
Best for ages
16 and above
Explore beyond
6+ relevant news
Reading time
Around 15 mins

What's inside

Let's take climate change for example. It isn't talked about until there’s a flood or a wildfire. Changes in key policies will not be discussed until there are mass protests and riots.

To inform you about issues and topics that aren't discussed until something goes south, our magazine focuses more on off-cycle topics like digital privacy, gender inequality and mental health.

News articles, school/college subjects and your all-knowing uncle may inform you about the problems we have at hand, but rarely speak about steps you – and the system – can take.

But when you see us talking about Google's surveillance, you'll also find alternatives like Firefox & Brave within our magazine's pages. And that goes for everything we cover.

Even if we cram each corner of our pages with text (minus all visuals btw), there will still be stuff for us to talk about.

Luckily, each one of your magazine comes with QR codes throughout, getting you to reads that our writers believe will help you know further, on what we're talking about. It's screen-time, made worthwhile.

Curious to know more? Keep scrolling.

What's inside

Let's take climate change for example. It isn't talked about until there’s a flood or a wildfire. Changes in key policies will not be discussed until there are mass protests and riots.

To inform you about issues and topics that aren't discussed until something goes south, our magazine focuses more on off-cycle topics like digital privacy, gender inequality and mental health.

Let's take climate change for example. It isn't talked about until there’s a flood or a wildfire. Changes in key policies will not be discussed until there are mass protests and riots.

To inform you about issues and topics that aren't discussed until something goes south, our magazine focuses more on off-cycle topics like digital privacy, gender inequality and mental health.

News articles, school/college subjects and your all-knowing uncle may inform you about the problems we have at hand, but rarely speak about steps you – and the system – can take.

But when you see us talking about Google's surveillance, you'll also find alternatives like Firefox & Brave within our magazine's pages. And that goes for everything we cover.

Even if we cram each corner of our pages with text (minus all visuals btw), there will still be stuff for us to talk about.

Luckily, each one of your magazine comes with QR codes throughout, getting you to reads that our writers believe will help you know further, on what we're talking about. It's screen-time, made worthwhile.

Curious to know more? Keep scrolling.

How's it different

Your magazine is written by people of your age, mostly college-going people who are bored of today's preach-and-teach textbooks as much as you are.

Instead, you read something that wants you to understand something with our writers' own personal experiences and touches. Like that friend who explains you stuff right before the exam better than the subject-teacher.

Newspapers aren't designed for the youth. First, what's up with all the first 2-3 pages being ads? And then, we strongly believe they need a facelift.

Find a design that mixes modern fonts with pages that default to our black-weave pattern. Oh. and we keep ads at the very back, so you can read distraction-free.

If you're the person who hops in and out of buses, trains and planes and want a good read along, our magazine is here to accompany you in its (almost) pocketable A5 size.

It slips in and out of handbags and slingbags with ease, but in case you are going out without a bag, there's always our digital copy right in your phone.

Just like how Signal – the encrypted messaging app – is open-source for anyone curious about its privacy claims to check out its code, we want you to question what you read, and seek more.

And that's why every copy in your hand comes with QR codes linking to all the sources we referred, or articles that dive into all the extra details you would want to explore from credible sources.

Not yet convinced? Keep scrolling.

How's it different

Your magazine is written by people of your age, mostly college-going people who are bored of today's preach-and-teach textbooks as much as you are.

Instead, you read something that wants you to understand something with our writers' own personal experiences and touches. Like that friend who explains you stuff right before the exam better than the subject-teacher.

Your magazine is written by people of your age, mostly college-going people who are bored of today's preach-and-teach textbooks as much as you are.

Instead, you read something that wants you to understand something with our writers' own personal experiences and touches. Like that friend who explains you stuff right before the exam better than the subject-teacher.

Newspapers aren't designed for the youth. First, what's up with all the first 2-3 pages being ads? And then, we strongly believe they need a facelift.

Find a design that mixes modern fonts with pages that default to our black-weave pattern. Oh. and we keep ads at the very back, so you can read distraction-free.

If you're the person who hops in and out of buses, trains and planes and want a good read along, our magazine is here to accompany you in its (almost) pocketable A5 size.

It slips in and out of handbags and slingbags with ease, but in case you are going out without a bag, there's always our digital copy right in your phone.

Just like how Signal – the encrypted messaging app – is open-source for anyone curious about its privacy claims to check out its code, we want you to question what you read, and seek more.

And that's why every copy in your hand comes with QR codes linking to all the sources we referred, or articles that dive into all the extra details you would want to explore from credible sources.

Just like how Signal – the encrypted messaging app – is open-source for anyone curious about its privacy claims to check out its code, we want you to question what you read, and seek more.

And that's why every copy in your hand comes with QR codes linking to all the sources we referred, or articles that dive into all the extra details you would want to explore from credible sources.

Not yet convinced, keep scrolling.

How do you benefit

Personally, we find that today's news outlets and social media handles focus too much on their engagement and pick sides, which makes journalism feel like entertainment.

Find balanced takes, free of exaggeration. For example, when we criticize Google's privacy practices, you are made aware of its ad-business and how it uses data to serve users better. Even when we want you to ditch all things Google for privacy.

If anything's easy to use in today's internet-era, it likely harvesting your data. For example, YouTube harvests your interests to target you with videos and ads you might like.

Just formed a inverse link between privacy and convenience in stuff from big-tech? Well, we want you to form more of those between global issues and events, every time you read.

In the age where news outlets report and then go 'You Read It Here First', we take a step back and cover what's not in the news.

For example, manual scavenging of sewers is still taking lives even when it's banned. Know the bigger picture – beyond how many lives it took – to understand why it's happening: Caste discrimination and poverty worsening each other.

Here's what we think of today's news media. Loud red graphics with anchors to match. Biased coverage. Too much narcissism.

We avoid the reds, distracting visuals and click-baits to be like a DND mode for all your news woes. You decide when to read your magazine, and how.

You never know what your next issue might be on month, probably because we ourselves don't. At times, you might read something you agree with, and sometimes you won't.

But there's a good reason why. We want you to be free of confirmation bias and question your views to form stronger, well-informed ones. Go beyond algorithms limiting what you see with what you like.

Imagine your friends understand what you talk and care about, because they're logic detectors too with subscriptions of their own.

Plus it's a great conversation starter too. Just flip one open in your next bus or plane trip.

Doomscrolling – constantly reading negative news even when you know it's bad for you – is a real thing and we can't stress that enough. Been there.

And that is why we do our best to have what you read is free of exaggeration, balances depressing stuff with ways to act and reasons for you to be hopeful. High time to do something for mental health?

Detecting DETECTED? Keep scrolling.

How do you benefit

Personally, we find that today's news outlets and social media handles focus too much on their engagement and pick sides, which makes journalism feel like entertainment.

Find balanced takes, free of exaggeration. For example, when we criticize Google's privacy practices, you are made aware of its ad-business and how it uses data to serve users better. Even when we want you to ditch all things Google for privacy.

Personally, we find that today's news outlets and social media handles focus too much on their engagement and pick sides, which makes journalism feel like entertainment.

Find balanced takes, free of exaggeration. For example, when we criticize Google's privacy practices, you are made aware of its ad-business and how it uses data to serve users better. Even when we want you to ditch all things Google for privacy.

If anything's easy to use in today's internet-era, it likely harvesting your data. For example, YouTube harvests your interests to target you with videos and ads you might like.

Just formed a inverse link between privacy and convenience in stuff from big-tech? Well, we want you to form more of those between global issues and events, every time you read.

In the age where news outlets report and then go 'You Read It Here First', we take a step back and cover what's not in the news.

For example, manual scavenging of sewers is still taking lives even when it's banned. Know the bigger picture – beyond how many lives it took – to understand why it's happening: Caste discrimination and poverty worsening each other.

Here's what we think of today's news media. Loud red graphics with anchors to match. Biased coverage. Too much narcissism.

We avoid the reds, distracting visuals and click-baits to be like a DND mode for all your news woes. You decide when to read your magazine, and how.

Here's what we think of today's news media. Loud red graphics with anchors to match. Biased coverage. Too much narcissism.

We avoid the reds, distracting visuals and click-baits to be like a DND mode for all your news woes. You decide when to read your magazine, and how.

You never know what your next issue might be on month, probably because we ourselves don't. At times, you might read something you agree with, and sometimes you won't.

But there's a good reason why. We want you to be free of confirmation bias and question your views to form stronger, well-informed ones. Go beyond algorithms limiting what you see with what you like.

Imagine your friends understand what you talk and care about, because they're logic detectors too with subscriptions of their own.

Plus it's a great conversation starter too. Just flip one open in your next bus or plane trip.

Doomscrolling – constantly reading negative news even when you know it's bad for you – is a real thing and we can't stress that enough. Been there.

And that is why we do our best to have what you read is free of exaggeration, balances depressing stuff with ways to act and reasons for you to be hopeful. High time to do something for mental health?

Doomscrolling – constantly reading negative news even when you know it's bad for you – is a real thing and we can't stress that enough. Been there.

And that is why we do our best to have what you read is free of exaggeration, balances depressing stuff with ways to act and reasons for you to be hopeful. High time to do something for mental health?

Detecting DETECTED? Keep scrolling.

Hear from detectors

No longer feeling disconnected from the news. It's actually like having a news-savvy friend who makes sure I am well-informed and ready to make a difference.
Drishya, 22
Can't get a better solution than this, that helps me explore beyond headlines to understand a topic and take actions. Perfect for staying updated without the noise.
Shrinish, 18
The passion for transparent, accessible journalism glows through each issue. Love the way you guys write, explore, explain, and design in an intelligent, coherent, and fun way.
Tanishka, 19

Get started

While we need to do a lot more work to be competitive with your favorite snack, your exploration doesn't need to come at a cost.

Our monthly plans not only cost lesser than your average spending on snacks but also makes you feel prouder throughout your exploration.

Don't have our word for it. See it for yourself.

Also you scrolled enough for the day, take a break.

Get started

While we need to do a lot more work to be competitive with your favorite snack, your exploration doesn't need to come at a cost.

Our monthly plans not only cost lesser than your average spending on snacks but also makes you feel prouder throughout your exploration.

Don't have our word for it. See it for yourself.

While we need to do a lot more work to be competitive with your favorite snack, your exploration doesn't need to come at a cost.

Our monthly plans not only cost lesser than your average spending on snacks but also makes you feel prouder throughout your exploration.

Don't have our word for it. See it for yourself.

Also you scrolled enough for the day, take a break.